Tuesday, 14 August 2012

林祥才:保障国人及游客权益 立法管制黄金投资


我国正掀起购买黄金保值热潮,因此政府希望透过制定有关的法案,除解决国人及外国游客在购买黄金后出现货不对办问题,也让政府从中抽税,增加国家收入。 设立黄金鉴定所 财政部副部长拿督林祥才指出,该部已指示国行针对上述事宜展开研讨工作,以保障我国公民及外国游客的权益。 他说,其实,很久以前,我国拥有类似的监管黄金买卖活动法令,惟在大约20年已被前国行宣布撤销。 “我还记得,那时候是丹斯里林西彦博士(时任国行副总裁)时代宣布取消的,所以现在是没有任何特定法案管制大马黄金投资活动。” 他今日为多美集团的Goldsilver2u.com网站主持推介仪式发表谈话。 游客也爱买黄金 林祥才指出,市面上有好几家公司在经营黄金买卖生意,包括网上生意,但鉴定黄金等级是一门专业学问,政府认为有必要成立一家公司或黄金鉴定所,负责鉴定黄金品质。 他解释,只是黄金纯度就分为很多种类,包括99、999及9999,而不同纯度的黄金,价钱也不一样。 “普通老百姓要如何才能确认这么多种的9(纯度)?” 游客投诉非货真价实 林祥才说,不只是大马人购买黄金作为投资,外国游客也喜欢来马购买黄金,但很多时候他们投诉买到的黄金,不是货真价实。 “这些都是政府考虑事项,毕竟大家都认为投资黄金比投资货币更加稳定。政府也希望从中抽取税收,增加国家收入。” 他说,身为财政部一员,希望可增加国家收入,以让政府推行其他利民政策,如建校及捷运计划等。 询及国行的研究何时出炉,林祥才表示不知道,此事已交给国行负责,就给他们一些时间研究。  

相关新闻: 吴逸平:中印经济起飞 黄金需求量料惊人 锺廷森:不受国家市场限制 黄金白银投资良机
Source: http://www.nanyang.com.my/node/401300?tid=643
2011-11-25 17:44

China, India Economy Booms. Demand for Gold soars says Ng

吴逸平:中印经济起飞 黄金需求量料惊人

Source : http://www.nanyang.com/node/401302?tid=460
Nanyang.com, November 25, 2011
China, India Economy Booms. Demand for Gold soars says Ng

(吉隆坡25日讯)多美集团董事经理吴逸 平指出,随着印度经济起飞及中国人的经济能力普遍提升,预料黄金的需求幅度将十分惊人。 他解释,中国及印度是世界上黄金销量最大的国家,随着这两国的经济蓬勃发展,大家可预料黄金的需求幅度将十分惊人。 吴逸平今日出席该集团的Goldsilver2u.com网站推介仪式上,致词时这么说。出席嘉宾包括马来西亚中华总商会总会长丹斯里锺廷森、多美集团主席丹斯里吴德芳及董事经理吴逸平、以及主题演讲嘉宾兼百泰珠宝首饰有限公司总裁曹阳等。

Tomei managing director Ng Yih Pyng launches the GoldSilver2u.com website specially for the company's customers who were interested in pursuing investment opportunities.


How to Tell if Gold Is Real

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit By American standards, fake gold is anything less than 10 Karats. If you're wondering whether your gold is real, the most reliable way to find out is to take it to a certified jeweler and have it tested. If you want to check for yourself, here's a list of tests you can conduct to tell if your gold is real.


Visual Inspection

The first thing to do to check if you have real gold is to look at it. Look for particular signs that point to real gold.
  1. Inspect the piece for official markings. A stamp will indicate either fineness (1-999 or .1-.999) or karat (10K, 14K, 18K, 22K or 24K). Anything less than 10K is not considered to be real gold. A magnifying glass will make this easier.
  2. An older piece might not have a visible marking due to wear.
  3. Counterfeit pieces can often have a marking that appears authentic; more testing may be needed either way.
  4. Look for noticeable discoloration. It is important to check for discoloration in areas that face constant friction (typically around the edges).
    • If the gold seems to be wearing off and showing a different metal beneath it, you probably have a piece that is only gold plated.

Bite Test

We have all seen a movie where a prospector bites down on a piece of gold to test it. We also see Olympic athletes bite on their “gold” medal when they receive it. Whether that is of any use is another story altogether.
  1. Bite down on your gold.
  2. Examine your gold for any markings. In theory, real gold will show indents from your teeth; deeper markings indicate purer gold.
    • This is actually not a recommended test, as you can damage your teeth. Not to mention that lead is even softer than gold and gold-plated lead will appear to be gold when you bite it.

Magnet Test

This is an easy test, but it’s not an all-encompassing or full proof way to determine whether your gold is real. Something as weak as a fridge magnet will not be useful, but stronger magnets that you can find in specialized hardware stores or in common objects such as women’s purse latches, children’s toys, or even in old unused hard drives will be strong enough to perform this test.
  1. Hold a magnet up to the item. Gold is not a magnetic metal, so if it pulls towards, or sticks to the magnet, it’s fake. However, just because it doesn’t react to the magnet doesn’t mean it is real, as non-magnetic metals are used in counterfeit pieces as well.

Density Test

There are very few metals denser than gold. The density of pure 24K gold is about 19.3 g/ml, which is much higher than most other metals. Measuring the density of your items can help you determine if your gold is real. As a rule of thumb, the higher the density, the purer the gold. Make sure to perform the density test on gold that has no gemstones of any kind attached. See the warnings below for important information about the density test.
  1. Weigh your piece of gold. A jeweler can normally do this for you for free if you don’t have your own scale. You will need the weight in grams.
  2. Fill a vial with water.
    • It’s helpful if the vial has millimeter markings on the side, since that will make it easier for you to read the measurements for this test.
    • It doesn’t matter how much water you use as long as you don’t fill the vial to the top, since the water level will rise once you immerse the gold in it.
    • It’s also important to note the exact amount of the water level before and after immersion.
  3. Place your gold in the vial. Take note of the new water level and calculate the difference between those two numbers in milliliters.
  4. Use the following formula to calculate density: Density = mass/volume displacement. A result close to 19 g/ml indicates either real gold, or a material with a density similar to gold. Here is an example calculation:
    • Your gold item weighs 38 g and it displaces 2 milliliters of water. Using the formula of [mass (38 g)]/[volume displacement (2 ml)], your result would be 19 g/ml, which is very close to the density of gold.
    • Bear in mind that different gold purity will have a different g/ml ratio:
    • 14K – 12.9 to 14.6 g/ml
    • 18K yellow – 15.2 to 15.9 g/ml
    • 18K white – 14.7 to 16.9 g/ml
    • 22K – 17.7 to 17.8 g/ml

Ceramic Plate Test

This is an easy way to tell if your gold is fool’s gold. Bear in mind that your item may end up scratched.
  1. Find an unglazed ceramic plate to use. If you don’t have this, you can purchase a random piece of unglazed ceramic from a home improvement store.
  2. Drag your item across the surface. A black streak means your gold is not real, whereas a gold streak indicates your item is genuine.

Nitric Acid Test

This is where the term “acid test” comes from, and is a great way to test your gold. However, due to the difficulty is acquiring the acid, and the inherent safety risks of doing this in your home, it may be best to leave this test to a jeweler.
  1. Place your piece of gold in a small stainless steel container.
  2. Put a drop of nitric acid on your gold and watch for any resulting reaction to the acid.
    • A green reaction indicates your item is either a base metal or gold plated.
    • A milk-colored reaction would indicate gold-plated sterling silver.
    • If there is no reaction, you mostly likely are dealing with real gold.


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ittq1EvD_M]


  • When we say 24kt or 24K gold jewelry, we mean that all the 24 parts in the gold are pure gold without traces of any other metals. This is considered 99.9 percent pure. 22K gold means that 22 parts of the jewelry are gold and the remaining 2 parts are some other metal. This is considered 91.3 percent pure. 18K gold means that 18 parts of the jewelry are gold and the remaining 6 parts are some other metal. This is equal to 75 percent pure. The purity goes down from there, with each karat equaling approximately 4.1625 percent.
  • In gold that is less than 24K, the other alloys in the item give it hardness and color. We can state that 24K is the softest and 10K the hardest, because 10K would have 41.6 percent gold and the balance would be other metals, which are harder than gold. The color from the other metals enhances the beauty of the jewelry, such as you see with white gold, yellow gold, red gold, etc.
  • 24K is pure gold[1] but generally too soft for use in jewelry or coins. Because of this, other metals are added for consistency and this makes for different densities.
  • The markings are a bit different on gold jewelry made in Europe and indicate an item’s purity. The markings are typically three digits and are as follows:
    • 10K 417 marking: gold purity is 41.7 percent
    • 14K 585 marking: gold purity is 58.5 percent
    • 18K 750 marking: gold purity is 75 percent
    • 22K 917 marking: gold purity is 91.7 percent
    • 24K 999 marking: gold purity is 99.9 percent
  • In Portugal, gold is typically 80% pure, or about 19.2K, and comes in three colors:
    • Yellow - Comprised of 80% pure gold, 13% silver and 7% copper.
    • Red - Comprised of 80% pure gold, 3% silver and 17% copper.
    • Grey or white - Comprised of 80% pure gold alloyed with palladium and other metals; mostly nickel.


  • Density Test Warning: The density test isn’t the most precise way to test whether gold is real, unless you know exactly what else is in your gold, and its associated density characteristics.
  • Density Test Warning: Due to the precise calculations needed to correctly perform the density test, unless you have a graduated vial that measures in milliliters and a precise scale, then the density test is very inexact.
  • Density Test Warning: Many chunky looking pieces of jewelry are in fact hollow. If air is trapped in the piece, this WILL invalidate the density test, as the air will add buoyancy and increase the volume when the item is immersed in water. The density test is only valid for solid items, or for items from which all the air can be expelled by allowing water to fill the entire internal cavity. A small bubble of air left inside will result in an inaccurate result.
  • Nitric Acid Test Warning: Nitric acid is highly corrosive. Precautions should be taken if it will be used for testing. The gold itself is safe, as it is insoluble in nitric acid however items that are not gold and are tested with this acid may be damage in the process.
  • These tests may not be able to differentiate solid gold from a tungsten plug covered by real gold.

Things You'll Need

  • Magnifying glass (for Visual Inspection)
  • Magnet (for Magnet Test)
  • Scale (for Density Test)
  • Vial (for Density Test)
  • Calculator (for Density Test)
  • Unglazed ceramic plate (a Ceramic Plate Test)
  • Nitric acid (for Nitric Acid Test)
  • Stainless Steel Container (for Nitric Acid Test)

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Sources and Citations

  1. http://abcnews.go.com/2020/Story?id=336457&page=1
Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Tell if Gold Is Real. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to Buy Gold Online

History has shown that people have always had a fascination with gold. The rich hoarded it or adorned themselves with it, while those who wanted to be rich yearned for it. Gold’s attraction was — and still is — its ability to retain its value even in the most difficult of economic times. In the past, investors could only purchase gold through registered dealers. Today, buying gold is as easy as clicking a mouse. This article offers tips on how to buy gold online.


  1. Set a limit as to how much money you can comfortably afford to invest in gold. Without fiscal parameters, you quickly can spend more than you had intended.
  2. Understand the difference between bullion and numismatic gold. Bullion can be in the form of coins or bars and its value is approximately equal to the published spot price. Numismatic gold refers to rare coins whose value to collectors significantly exceeds the melt value of the metal. Don't pay numismatic prices for a bullion coin.
    • Gold coins are geared more for the novice investor. They are recognized everywhere, competitively priced and easy to cash in.
    • Gold bars are recommended more for “big league” investors or collectors. Investing in this type of gold is more effective, except for the purpose of selling. Because bars cannot be subdivided, options for buyers are limited.
  3. Know the market price for gold. There are Web sites that post daily gold prices and provide periodic price updates throughout the day. Some sites also lists gold prices in other currencies, including the Euro, Japanese Yen, Swiss Francs and the Indian Rupee.
  4. Do your homework when it comes to choosing a reputable online gold dealer. Look for someone who is insured, has controls in place to detect fraud and guarantees their product.
  5. Study the dealer’s Web site. Pay particular attention to the commodities for sale and their prices and the service agreement (also known as “terms of service”). Ask about insurance and shipping and handling fees and any applicable sales tax. These expenses generally are not included in the list price.
  6. Avoid the temptation of small-size dealers who promise lower prices. Instead do business with mid- to large-size companies who guarantee delivery within two days.
  7. Verify a dealer’s reputation by researching testaments and recommendations from customers or other autonomous sources. Oftentimes, reliable dealers post such tributes on their Web sites, but you could also check with the Better Business Bureau.
  8. Beware of a dealer who:
    • Only has a common e-mail address (i.e., yahoo, Hotmail or Gmail) for their contact information.
    • Does not appear to have a secure system for accepting credit card payments. Signs of an unsecure system are no “lock” in the browser when navigating to the payment page and the “http” in the URL does not switch to “https”.
    • Neglects to list delivery specifications.
  9. Avoid being taken by a “deal gone bad”, especially if you are making a large purchase. Before you purchase, contact the vendor’s customer service department, either by phone or e-mail. Ask about the specific items you’re interested in buying, warranties, available payment methods and return policies. The manner in which they respond to your questions will tell you a lot about how they do business.


  • More well-known online dealers also have a storefront location. This shows they are not a fly-by-night operation but rather an established gold dealer.


  • The price of gold fluctuates (rises and falls) so you may ending up out of pocket.
  • The price the gold as been rising steadily for many years now and a crash in price is predicted quite soon.

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Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Buy Gold Online. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license. 

How to Buy Gold

Stockpiling gold has been a favorite investment of the wealthy throughout history, and the gleam of gold is still irresistible to many investors today, with gold being the most popular investment out of all the precious metals.[1] Some people like that gold is a tangible asset that will retain its value even if paper currency loses its value,[2] while other investors are attracted to the liquidity of gold. For many, gold is a way of riding the inherent economic ups and downs, with gold serving as the "only real hedge against the massive financial excesses that still prevail in the western world."[3] Moreover, gold is fungible, liquid, portable, and accepted anywhere in the world. This article outlines four ways to invest in gold. The best choice varies from person to person and depends on the amount of money you have to invest, your investment objectives, the amount of risk you can absorb, and the length of time you intend to hold onto your gold.


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  1. Decide why you're interested in investing in gold. If you have funds to invest, it's important to understand why people invest in gold in the first place, so that you can make sure it's the right thing for you. Understand that gold mainly serves as a store of value and as an investment hedge. Common reasons for investing in gold include:[4]
  • Gold is always in high demand. It is a tangible product that can always be passed on without concerns for its desirability in the future. Contrast this durability with antiques and collectibles, which are subject to fluctuations in fashion and style trends.
  • Owning gold can protect you from a decline in currencies or from inflation. Countries often start investing in gold when economic growth starts to decline; the more debt-laden an economy, the higher the price of gold will climb.
  • Gold can be another "string to your bow" when you seek to diversify your investment portfolio. Diversification is considered to be the best reason to own gold, according to financial experts.[5] This ensures sound financial management, and not putting all your investment eggs into one basket.
  • Gold is a sound means for protecting wealth over a long period of time (provided you store it securely).
  • During a period of civil instability, gold is a way to protect assets, it is portable, easy to hide, and can give you something to hang on to when everything else is lost.

Buying Scrap Gold

Collecting and storing scrap gold has become a popular investment strategy. With gold prices steadily rising, buying scrap gold is a low-risk way to invest in this valuable resource. Term of Investment: Varies Nature of Investment: Low risk - Gold is the safest investment option available and the potential reward far outweighs the minor risk. Profile of Investor: Ideal for the first-time gold investor, or for someone just looking to set something aside for a rainy day.
  1. Ask family and friends if they have gold they are looking to get rid of. Practically everyone has broken necklaces, damaged rings, mismatched earrings and other forms of scrap gold that they would love to turn into cash. Work out a price they are happy with, while leaving plenty of room for profit.
  2. Place an ad in the newspaper. Have an ad run in both the classified section and the help wanted section of your local paper. Most people who are looking at the help wanted ads are in financial distress of some sort, so placing an ad offering to help them make money by selling gold to you can work wonders.
  3. Place an ad on Craigslist. This is similar to a newspaper ad, yet is entirely free and has the potential to reach more people.
  4. Monitor Internet auctions. Gold items will often sell for less than their scrap value, making them a great investment tool. Be sure to factor in any taxes or shipping costs before bidding.
  5. Develop relationships with local pawnshops. Leave your contact information with them and have them contact you if anyone comes in to sell gold items that the pawnshop doesn’t want. Some smaller shops may not have a refiner or even want to deal with scrap gold.

Buying Gold Bullion

Countries around the world, including the United States, continue to spend money they don’t have, creating unstable economies. Gold bullion is the only true hedge against the instability. Term of Investment: Long term - Even if the economy picks up, inflation will follow close behind. Which asset resists inflation? Gold. Nature of Investment: Low risk - Experts agree that the investment pyramid is built on gold bullion. Profile of Investor: Perfect for a new investor.
  1. Decide what type of investment-grade gold bullion you want to buy. You have the choice between gold coins, gold bars, and gold jewelry.[6]
    • Gold Coins: Historic (pre-1933) gold coins tend to retain the most value, as these have numismatic value in addition to their gold content. Examples of historic gold coins that do not sell at an excessive premium over the gold price because they only contain 90 percent gold are the British sovereign, British guinea, Spanish escudo, French 20 and 40 francs, Swiss 20 francs; and American gold Eagles ($10 face value), Half-Eagles ($5 face value) and Double Eagles ($20 face value). The British sovereign and the American Eagle Gold Coin are notable exceptions with 91.66 percent gold content, or 22 Karat. Other gold bullion coins include the Canadian Maple Leaf, the Australian Kangaroo, the South African Krugerrand (which sparked the entire gold coin investment industry)[7] and the 24 Karat Austrian Philharmonic.
    • Gold Bars: Gold is also sold in bars that are usually 99.5 to 99.99 percent fine. Popular gold refineries include PAMP, Credit Suisse, Johnson Matthey, and Metalor. You’ll see the names of these refineries stamped on the bars they process.
    • Gold Jewelry: The problem with buying gold jewelry as an investment is that you pay a premium for the craftsmanship and the desirability of the design. Any piece of jewelry marked 14 Karat or less will be below investment quality and any resale for the sake of investing will be impacted by the need to refine the gold.[8] On the other hand, it is possible to pick up antique or vintage gold for very little at estate sales and similar auctions if the worth is not realized, or if people simply don't bid much for it. Older pieces carry more value due to their unique craftsmanship, so this can be a lucrative and enjoyable way to collect gold.[9]
  2. Choose a weight to buy. Clearly, the greater the weight, the greater its price will be. Something else to keep in mind is your ability to safely store it.
    • The American Eagle Gold Coin and the other coins listed above are made in four weights: 1 oz., 0.5 oz., 0.25 oz. and 0.10 oz.
    • Gold bullion bars are generally sold by the ounce and include 1 oz.,- 10 oz.- and 100 oz.-bars.
  3. Find a source that sells gold bullion. Often, the same dealers, brokerage houses and banks sell both coins and bars. When assessing the dealer, see how long they've been in business, whether they're certified with an industry or government body, and in what investment activities they specialize. In the United States, the US Mint provides a list of authorized sellers that you can check.[10]
    • See Buy Gold Online for details on how to invest in gold through online marketplaces.
    • Jewelers sell gold jewelry, but if you decide to go this route, be sure to choose a reputable store that has been in business for a long time.
    • Auctions can be another source of gold jewelry, but be aware that auction items are sold “as is” and it’s up to you to ascertain their value.
  4. Determine the current market price for gold. After finding the price, verify it with at least one other reputable source, and preferably several other reputable sources.
  5. Aim to buy gold coins or bars at or below the prevailing market price, plus a premium of approximately 1 percent. Most dealers have purchase minimums, charge for shipping and handling, and offer quantity discounts.
    • Get receipts for all purchases and get a confirmation of delivery date before you pay for the gold bullion.
    • If purchasing jewelry, retain all receipts in a safe place. If purchasing at an auction, remember to add on buyer premium and any sales taxes.
  6. Store your gold bullion securely, preferably in a safe deposit box. This is a very important aspect of investing in gold bullion because your investment strategy is only as safe as your storage strategy. Invest in high-quality security mechanisms or pay a company to store it for you.[11]

Buying Gold Futures

Those willing to absorb a bit more risk decide to invest with gold futures. However, it is important to note that it isn’t so much “investing” as it is speculating, which equates to gambling in some respects. Term of Investment: Varies - In general, investing in gold future is like making a short-term prediction of what you think the price of gold will be in the near future. However, many savvy investors invest and re-invest in gold futures for many years. Nature of investment: High risk - There is high volatility associated with gold futures and many inexperienced investors will lose money on them. Profile of Investor: This is primarily for a seasoned and experienced investor; very few novice investors will make money in gold futures.
  1. Open a futures account at a commodity trading firm. Futures allow you to control a higher value of gold than you have in cash.
  2. Invest capital that you can afford to lose. If the price of gold drops, you could end up owing more than you invested once commissions are added.
  3. Buy a gold futures contract. Gold futures are legally binding agreements for delivery of gold in the future at an agreed upon price. For example, you can buy 100 oz. of gold for a 2-year contract worth $46,600 for as little as 3 percent of the value, or $1,350.
    • The commodity trading firm charges a commission for every trade.
    • Each trading unit on the COMEX (Commodity Exchange) is equivalent to 100 troy ounces.
    • Electronic trading on the Chicago Board of Trade (e-CBOT) is another way to trade gold.
  4. Wait for the contract to end and collect your earnings or pay your losses. An investor can exchange a futures position for physical gold, referred to as EFP (Exchange for Physical). However, most investors offset their positions before their contracts mature instead of accepting or delivering physical gold.
    • When you buy a futures contract for a fraction of the cost of the amount of property involved, you are basically betting on a small change in the price of the property. You can make a lot of money buying gold futures if the value of gold goes way up relative to your currency, but if it goes down, you can lose everything you invested and possibly more (if your futures contracts do not simply get sold to someone else when you do not have enough money down). This is a way to hedge a risk or speculate, but not in itself a way to build savings.

Buying Gold Exchange Traded Funds

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) aim to track silver and gold prices and are generally bought through a typical stockbroker. They are much like derivative contracts that track prices, but they differ in that you will not own the underlying gold assets if you invest in this vehicle. Two types of ETF are Market Vectors Gold Miners ETF and Market Vectors Junior Gold Miners. Market Vectors Gold Miners ETF: Attempts to replicate (before expenses and fees) the yield performance and price of the New York Stock Exchange Arca Gold Miners Index. The portfolio contains gold mining companies of all sizes around the world. Market Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF: Debuting in 2009, this ETF has become highly popular among investors seeking to have indirect access to gold assets. Although similar to the Gold Miners, the Junior Gold Miners ETF focuses on smaller companies that are involved in an ongoing search for new sources of gold. Because these companies are less established, there is more risk involved. Term of Investment: Short term - There is a fee charged each year that deducts from the amount of gold backing your investment, making this an unattractive way to invest in gold. Nature of Investment: Medium risk - Because a typical ETF investment is for the short term, risk can be minimized. Profile of Investor: Primarily for hedge funds, day traders, and other experienced and seasoned investors.
  1. Use the same broker you would use to buy a stock or mutual fund to buy shares in a gold exchange traded fund, such as GLD and IAU on the New York Stock Exchange. A gold exchange traded fund is designed to track the price of gold, while maintaining the liquidity of a stock.
    • Note that gold exchange traded funds do not give you the ability to physically control the gold. Therefore, some gold advocates believe this is an inferior way to own the commodity.[12]
    • Another disadvantage is that ETFs trade like stocks and you may have to pay a commission to buy and sell on the exchange. Moreover, any capital gains you realize must be reported and you will have to pay taxes on them.


  • The United States Mint website offers a database of coin dealers listed by state.
  • Buying bullion is limited to weekdays during trading hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST.
  • The commission rate on gold futures trading is negotiable.
  • Keep an eye on US Mint consumer alerts for scams and other shady dealings.[13]
  • Collecting gold antiquities can be profitable based on their historical value; however, this could be mired in issues of legality, including the need to seek permits, etc. Black market purchasing of such items is not only illegal but immoral; most countries consider antiquities to be items for all of humanity, not just for a select few.
  • Don't pay too much for gold. Remember that historically the price for gold has usually been around $400 an ounce, adjusted for inflation (see the 650-year gold price chart here: http://www.sharelynx.com/chartsfixed/600yeargold.gif), but during a bad economy or uncertainties it tends to go up, resulting in a bubble. As the economy improves, the price of gold will revert to pre-bubble price range.
  • Since the gold price tend to be dramatically cyclical, subject to many factors involving its demand and supply, it can be quite difficult to value gold in an environment of constantly depreciating paper currencies. One way to value gold is relative to the price of stocks, which tend to be easier to value (e.g. tangible book value, earning power, dividend). Take a look at the Dow/gold ratio from 1885 - 1995: http://www.sharelynx.com/chartsfixed/115yeardowgoldratio.gif. The Dow/gold ratio is the Dow Jones Industrial Average ("the Dow") relative to the gold price per ounce, or how many ounces of gold the Dow can buy. A high Dow/gold ratio means stocks are overpriced and gold is cheap, while a low Dow/gold ratio means gold is overpriced and stocks are cheap. A quick look at the chart and its relentless upward slope yields the immediate conclusion that stocks will buy more and more gold over the long term (e.g. an investor's lifetime), i.e. stocks are a much better long-term investment than gold. However, there have been long periods where gold outperform stocks, such as between 1929-1942 and between 1968-1980. Those who bought at stock market high in 1929, when the Dow/gold ratio was near 20, are still not back to even today relative to gold (2011) where the Dow/gold ratio is about 8. On the other hand, investors who were scared out of stocks and bought gold at the peak of the gold bubble in 1980, when the Dow/gold ratio was close to 1, would have missed the opportunity of a lifetime to multiply their money by at least 8 times relative to gold, as the Dow/gold ratio is around 8 today (2011). To prevent such mishaps, it is helpful to look at the Dow/gold ratio: buying stocks and selling gold when the current Dow/gold ratio is significantly below the historic trend-line (which averages about 20 today, and increasing), and selling stocks and buying gold when the current Dow/gold ratio is significantly above the historic trend-line.


  • Gold is expensive, and storing large amounts does bring certain security concerns with it.
  • As with any investment, be prepared to possibly lose money. The worth of commodities such as gold will fluctuate over time and seeing the value of your investment decrease is a real possibility. Consult a financial adviser prior to investing in anything if you're unfamiliar with the methods and risks of investing your money.
  • You will pay a premium for "collectible" coins. You can think of the worth of collectible coins as having two separate parts: the value of the bullion, and the collectability value. There is no guarantee these will go in the same direction. If the value of a coin you are considering comes mostly from its collectability, consider whether you wish to invest in gold, or in collectibles.
  • Never pay significantly more than market price for gold bullion. (Typically, more than 12 percent premium above the spot gold price is too much.)
  • Make sure you can tell if the gold is real to avoid wasting your money on fake gold.
  • Holding on to gold does mean that you are appreciating your assets, but you still need to be sure you're practicing good money management at all times.[14]
  • Don't tell people you're investing in gold. Doing so potentially gives away that you're storing it in your house, or somewhere equally vulnerable. Only tell people who really need to know, such as a spouse, heirs in a will, etc.

Related wikiHows

Sources and Citations

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_as_an_investment
  2. http://www.investopedia.com/articles/optioninvestor/09/midas-touch-gold-investor.asp
  3. http://www.forbes.com/2010/09/24/barrick-gold-newmont-mining-markets-novagold-resources.html?boxes=Homepagechannels
  4. http://www.nzmint.com/bullion/invest
  5. http://www.nzmint.com/bullion/invest
  6. http://www.investopedia.com/articles/optioninvestor/09/midas-touch-gold-investor.asp
  7. http://bullion.nwtmint.com/gold_krugerrand.php
  8. http://moneycentral.msn.com/content/invest/extra/P143352.asp
  9. http://buying-gold.goldprice.org/
  10. http://www.usmint.gov/mint_programs/american_eagles/index.cfm?action=lookup
  11. http://moneycentral.msn.com/content/invest/extra/P143352.asp
  12. http://goldprice.org/buying-gold/2006/01/gold-etf.html
  13. http://www.usmint.gov/consumer/
  14. http://www.investopedia.com/articles/optioninvestor/09/midas-touch-gold-investor.asp
Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Buy Gold. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Consultation needed on new gold and silver trading law

PETALING JAYA: A proposed law to regulate trading in gold and silver has yet to be formally discussed with industry participants, according to Tomei Consolidated Bhd group managing director Ng Yih Pyng. “There hasn't been any concrete development since the policy was announced. We hope they (Bank Negara) will consult the industry if they are to come out with anything. “As of now, we haven't heard from them. I suppose they are doing the groundwork and will consult us when they feel it is necessary to implement certain measures,” he told StarBiz on the sidelines of the company's GoldSilver2U.com seminar recently. Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai had said last November the central bank was asked to conduct a study on the possibility of enacting fresh regulation around the domestic gold and silver markets, citing the Government's concern for the risk faced by the public when investing in the precious metals. On another note, Ng said that Tomei, one of the country's three listed gold and jewellery retailers alongside DeGem Bhd and Poh Kong Holdings Bhd, was always on the lookout for potential business opportunities, which may include mergers and acquisitions. While saying there were no concrete plans on the table, he added that opportunities in the market were aplenty. “But a lot depends on the strategy, outlook and what kind of value you can create. Any acquisition (we make) will have to suit our appetite. If we cannot digest it, we won't do it.” He also noted that the next two years could be challenging due to overall market conditions. “Therefore, we will take a slightly more cautious approach to the business.” On his outlook for bullion prices, Ng stressed that gold was a long-term investment. “You don't want to (focus on) the price tomorrow, or in two or three weeks. In the medium term, gold has reason to strengthen further. “I wouldn't suggest that anyone take a short term position.” Ng added that the growing demand for gold investments over the past few years had led to a heavier weighting of the commodity in its inventory, but he maintained that Tomei only bought what it needed. “We are not a trader. We will stock up when we need to, for example during festive seasons. “But when we need less stock during low seasons, we will reduce (our holdings). We don't buy to anticipate price movements.” As at its first quarter ended March 31, Tomei's inventories stood at RM332.24mil, down slightly from RM326.1mil in the three months to Dec 31, 2011, but notably higher than the RM270.11mil recorded in the corresponding quarter last year. Although jewellery makes up the bulk of its stock, its holdings of gold has risen steadily as a percentage of total inventories, from 41%, or RM77.01mil, in 2007 to 49%, or RM160.64mil, in 2011, according to the company's annual reports. Tomei's net profit in the first quarter was 8% lower to RM7.57mil against RM8.35mil a year earlier, while revenue rose 35% to RM155.69mil from RM115.24mil. It attributed the increase in revenue to better consumer spending, but said the decline in profit was caused by fluctuations in the price of gold. 

July 9, 2012 - The Star Newspaper
By JOHN LOH johnloh@thestar.com.my

Tomei & Hong Leong Bank Organised Talk on Gold Investment

Malaysia’s leading Gold and Silver bars online trading platform, GoldSilver2u.com held its first investors-wealth guru-merchant networking dinner in collaboration with Hong Leong Bank and Tomei recently.

Malaysia’s leading Gold and Silver bars online trading platform, GoldSilver2u.com recently held in its first investors-wealth guru-merchant networking dinner in collaboration with Hong Leong Bank Berhad and Tomei! GoldSilver2u.com since its launch in November 2011 has since been championing the Gold and Silver Bar E-Commerce trading model in Malaysia. Having built a firm loyal customer base in less than a year, the GoldSilver2u.com Investors’ Appreciation Night comes in timely for its privileged investors to have an up-close and personal get-together platform with GoldSilver2u.com.

Is it time to buy gold?

time to buy gold Now is the time to invest in gold as its price is consolidating and likely to climb over the next few years, according to expert of the commodity, Mr Dar Wong

Precious metal said to be consolidating and likely to rise in next few years
PETALING JAYA: Now is the time to invest in gold as its price is consolidating and likely to climb over the next few years, according to one expert of the commodity. “Gold reached US$1,900 (RM6,042) last year but has fallen to US$1,600 now. This is a purely periodic correction,” said Dar Wong, a trader and veteran financial consultant who was the guest speaker at Tomei Consolidated Bhd's GoldSilver2U.com seminar. He said prices would be “firm” but may trade in a sideways pattern till the end of the year. Gold, considered a safe haven in times of economic upheaval, has slipped some 15% since peaking at US$1,900.20 last September at the height of the eurozone crisis, but is up 2.7% for the year at yesterday's spot prices.
“In my view, whenever the market comes off a high and starts to go sideways, this period of consolidation is the best time for investors to plan their portfolio. “When the market starts to run up again maybe next year, you will have to pay more and jostle with everyone else,” said Wong, who started his career trading futures in the 1980s. Wong honed his trading expertise working for several banking groups before striking out on his own as an individual trader in 1996. “People are saying it can reach US$3,000 per ounce. Based on my analysis, the price of US$2,300 is achievable in the next few years. But in order to get it that high, you need fundamental strength,” he explained. He opined that this would come from two sources: inflation and US monetary policy. “Gold is traded in US dollars. Should the Federal Reserve decide on more fiscal stimulus, the weaker US dollar will push gold to new heights. “From my studies, when the United States elects a new president after the third quarter, whoever gets the job will most likely put in a quantitative easing policy to consolidate his position. That will result in higher gold prices.” Central banks, he added, had little choice in the current global scenario other than to loosen the reigns on fiscal policy. “The world economy is stuck between inflation and recession. On one hand, food and commodity prices are going up, which means higher costs. “On the other, manufacturing and growth is slowing while unemployment is rising. Let's assume banks have to choose just one solution they will choose to cut rates.” Although Bank Negara left its overnight policy rate unchanged at 3% yesterday, the European Central Bank and China's central bank have cut interest rates in a bid to stimulate economic growth, while the Bank of England announced a further £50bil of quantitative easing. On his personal experience with the precious metal, Wong revealed that he had bought 25 mint-proof gold coins after the Sept 11, 2001 attacks, when gold plunged to US$320 per ounce. “People said I was stupid. But the principle is how much money you can invest versus how long you can hold.” Wong said he has so far sold 20 of those coins for a handsome profit. “I couldn't sell them at the peak last year. I'll be honest, no one can time the market perfectly. I loaded them off at average prices of between US$1,200 and US$1,500,” he said, adding that he was now waiting for buying opportunities. “It is not about how much you have now. It is about how much you want to build now for the future. I built my investment 10 years ago and have realised a profit.”
July 6, 2012, The Star Newspaper
By JOHN LOH johnloh@thestar.com.my

多美与丰隆联办晚宴, 黄达分享投资之道

[caption id="attachment_239" align="alignleft" width="630"] 多美与丰隆联办晚宴, 黄达分享黄金投资之道 - 12-7-2012, 星洲日报[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_232" align="alignleft" width="630"] 多美与丰隆办投资者感恩宴 - 10-7-2012, 南洋商报[/caption]

多美丰隆联办晚宴, 邀黄达分享投资

[caption id="attachment_228" align="alignleft" width="630"] 多美丰隆联办晚宴, 邀黄达分享投资 - 9-7-2012, 光明日报[/caption]

經濟衰退 買金最好時機

 (吉隆坡6日訊)專家相信,今年會是購買黃金的最好時機,因今年全球經濟衰退影響了歐洲及美國的經濟,黃金價格也會隨著全球經濟衰時期而下降,這就是買入黃金的最好機會。 亞洲區域最受歡迎培訓導師之一黃達,上週四(5日)晚于多美GoldSilver2U.com網絡金條與銀條投資平台講座會上說:“黃金是一種較保險及長期的投資,投資者不需擔心破產或面臨高風險投資。” 黃達于上週四(5日)晚,在多美GoldSilver2U.com網絡金條與銀條投資平台講座會上,為豐隆銀行的部分顧客群講解黃金為投資的重要性時發表談話。列席者包括多美董事經理吳逸平。 黃達亦是安思列金融資詢公司行政總裁。 他認為,導致黃金價格飆升的原因不外乎6個原因,包括天災人造禍、政治障礙、經濟危機、戰爭時期(尤其是在產油地區)、油價上漲及通貨膨脹的時候。 “不管任何時候,都適合購買黃金,只要有資金,就可以從最小的10克開始購入,再慢慢購入更多的克量。” 另外,他建議黃金投資者在全球經濟衰時,可大量購買黃金,並建議在持金3年時考慮是否脫售再投資。 黃達相信,距離11月6日美國總統選舉,只有4個多月的時間,黃金價格隨時會有影響。 “全球各國政府正大量增加各國的黃金儲蓄量,相信這會是購入的最好時機。” 黃金交易平台價格更透明化 多美(TOMEI,7230,主要板消費)成立子公司GoldSilver2U.com網站,讓消費者可在該平台上進行黃金交易之余,更提供很多關于金價訊息給公眾。 吳逸說,在網站上金條與銀條的價格是透明化的,顧客可在網上看到價格后第一時間以該價格買入,增加對該網絡交易平台的信心。 “有些顧客今日在網站上看到價格后,明日到店舖購買時,金價已經上漲,後悔沒在第一時間買入。” 雖然馬來西亞消費者相比與國外,網站銷售額還是非常低,但他相信這是一個趨勢,只要網站反應是良好的,將持續運作。 目前,該公司還未對該網站設下任何目標,但明年會推出更多促銷及推廣活動。
[caption id="attachment_224" align="alignleft" width="630"] 亞洲區域最受歡迎培訓導師之一黃達,上週四(5日)晚于多美GoldSilver2U.com網絡金條與銀條投資平台講座會上說:“黃金是一種較保險及長期的投資,投資者不需擔心破產或面臨高風險投資。”[/caption]

GoldSilver2u.com To Hold Its Very First Investors' Appreciation Night!

Come this July 2012, join Malaysia's leading Gold and Silver bars online trading platform, GoldSilver2u.com in its first investors-wealth guru-merchant networking dinner! Since its launch in November 2011, GoldSilver2u.com has since been championing the Gold and Silver Bar E-Commerce trading model in Malaysia. Having built a firm loyal customer base in less than a year, the GoldSilver2u.com Investors' Appreciation Night comes in timely for its privileged investors to have an up-close and personal get-together platform with GoldSilver2u.com. The privilege sharing and networking session will be held in the 5 Star acclaimed One World Hotel in Petaling Jaya over a lavish dinner featuring one of Asia's renowned wealth coach, Mr Dar Wong. Not only that, door gifts awaits guests with a chance to take home a 10 gram Tomei Signature Twin Tower 999.9 gold bar worth over RM 1,800 for free! Due to the exclusivity of the event, seats are extremely limited to invited attendees only. Therefore, GoldSilver2u.com is giving away 3 free invitation to it's Facebook Fanpage Fans. To win one, all you need to do is to Like us on Facebook at the GoldSilver2u.com Facebook Fanpage by June 15th and 3 lucky fans will be rewarded with the exclusive GoldSilver2u.com Investors' Appreciation Night invitation for free! If you are already a fan, you are also entitled to be drawn! Stay in touch with us in Facebook with our hot news and updates on GoldSilver2u.com products services events and what not! Winners will be notified over email on June 25th! Event Info
Theme : Gold: An Investment Asset Class Of Its Own Date : 5 July 2012 (Thursday) Time : 6.00-10.00 pm Venue : One World Hotel Entrance fee : By Invitation only Dress Code : Business Attire
[caption id="attachment_218" align="alignnone" width="630"] Hong Leong Bank and Tomei presents Gold Silver Investment event - The GoldSilver2u.com Investors' Appreciation Night[/caption] . [caption id="attachment_219" align="alignleft" width="630"] The GoldSilver2u.com Investors' Appreciation Night to be held on July 5th![/caption] . [caption id="attachment_220" align="alignnone" width="630"] GoldSilver2u.com Investors’ Appreciation Night Invites 投资欢聚晚宴 - contents[/caption] GoldSilver2u.com, since its launch in November 2011 has established itself as a household brand name as the specialist in physical Gold and Silver bars investments. The e-commerce platform enables Malaysian consumers looking for investment opportunities access to gold and silver global trading prices, physical gold and silver bars online retail store to make purchases, to have access to monitor their gold and silver investment portfolio and also market intelligence. GoldSilver2u.com assures its customers of its end to end solution for investment grade pure Gold and Silver Bar with its reputable establishment and integrity being a proud subsidiary company of TOMEI Consolidated Berhad, MyTomei Sdn Bhd.

黃金投資渠道多 市民該如何選擇 Paper Gold or Physical Gold?

"If You Don’t Hold It, You Don’t Own It."

[caption id="attachment_178" align="aligncenter" width="630"]http://www.trustablegold.com/infographics/The_Gold_Tree.pdf Check out this beautiful infographic that best explains where gold comes from and to where it goes... up to the different forms of gold investment that you may have considered of[/caption]

For those wanting to invest in Gold, there are many options widely available to us in Malaysia. First of all, there are two distinguishable type of investment, one being physical gold such as ingots, gold bar/bullions, nuggets, coins and jewelries while the other being the paper gold such as the Gold account passbook, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Mining Stocks, Futures and unit trusts.

[caption id="attachment_160" align="alignleft" width="431"]黃金投資渠道多 市民該如何選擇 黃金投資渠道多 市民該如何選擇 There are many ways to invest in Gold. There are from paper gold - funds and stocks and physical gold while physical gold is the most practical way for most consumers. Among jewelries, coins, and gold bar, it would be more practical to invest in gold bar due to the lower premium compared to other end products.[/caption]

Physical gold is the real thing that you can hold in your own hands, take possession of (often anonymously) and store them in your own place or a 3rd party safe deposit service which ever you are comfortable with. For those concerned about another financial meltdown, physical gold allows them to invest outside of the financial system. It is not tied to any currency and it is not correlated to other investment asset which is exactly why most people invest in the physical form.

On the other hand, the paper gold allows you to “own” gold too, but you do not keep them with you. Instead, you get paper certificates that guarantee a conversion of their value into actual gold such as those mentioned above. In other words your investments get exposure to the gold price by buying various types of security. Given the time when the economy is good and the company managing your investment performs, the paper gold generally cost less to buy into than physical gold and so it tend to yield higher profits.

There are many resources on the internet that you can read about if you need to investigate more in order to make a decision that is best suited for your investment strategies and requirements. In order to understand better and make your [caption id="attachment_164" align="alignleft" width="300"] Precious Metal Investment Pyramid[/caption] own conclusion on physical vs paper gold, let’s take a look at the some of the selected articles taken from other sources:-
* Paper Gold vs Physical Gold by Jonathan Quek

* The Differences Between Physical Gold & Gold ETFs by Blanchard

* The 'secret' gold market that could enhance your profits in Moneyweek
Among them, the Precious Metals Investments Pyramid shows that physical gold has an increasingly high liquidity as to money while decreasing in risks compared to paper based gold investments. All in all, gold and silver should be taken as a long term strategy while taking into consideration the many risks that may be associated with them. At the end of the day, it's hard to deny that physical gold and silver remain as one of the best way to invest.




















重振金市 馬須引進熟練外勞








Why invest in gold?

[caption id="attachment_143" align="alignleft" width="630"] Jittery about the currency inflation, people are turning to Gold for a safe haven[/caption]

Time has proven that Gold as an asset class has play important role in our world economy dated back from the early days of human civilization.

Gold began as items of adornment to symbol of wealth to trade currencies and asset until today. Its core functions has not changed through the centuries although today in our modern economic environment, gold has evolved into more sophisticated financial products such as currency backings, investment funds and into materials for industrial uses. Its rarity, usefulness and desirability make it a substance of long term value.

Not only that, because it has a high value, durable, portable and easily divisible, it is not a wonder that Gold is a viable investment.

Compared to other asset classes, the finite resource has also been steadily appreciating in value, if not, retaining its value steadily and again proven itself as a suitor for long term investments/ saving.

Needless to say, there are many write ups and expert advises from simple laymen language to sophisticated market trend analysis that easily point out the many benefits of investing in gold.

In this article, we sum up a short and concise version for your reading pleasure as below: -

Hedge against inflation

During the launching of GoldSilver2u.com gold and silver bar online investment platform in November 2011, financial expert, Mr Cao Yang from Batar Gold China, shared that the world economic volatility is something that we all cannot foreseen, at times of hyper-inflation, even our cash will become nothing more than a piece of paper.

Blanchard Economic Research Unit in its article “Why own gold?” the most consistent factor determining the price of gold has been inflation - as inflation goes up, the price of gold goes up along with it.

It is also no wonder why not only investors are keeping gold, even central banks around the world are stocking gold to counter the effects of inflation and currency fluctuations.

Preserve your Purchasing Power

Gold always retain its intrinsic value. Gold’s value, in terms of the real goods and services that it can buy, has remained remarkably stable for centuries. In contrast, the purchasing power of many currencies has declined, due for the most part to the rising price of goods and services.

When economy suffers a crisis or when people lose confidence in their government, Gold becomes a safe haven for investment that protects against stock market's financial meltdown, inflation, currency fluctuations.

This is because gold prices tend to appreciate at time of trouble, as shown below :-

[caption id="attachment_144" align="alignnone" width="630"]Gold as safe haven How Gold Perform during a financial crash (Source : http://seekingalpha.com/article/295567-how-gold-performs-during-a-financial-crash)[/caption]

As a portfolio diversifier

Don't put all your eggs into one basket. When investing, it is a good practice to diversify your investments When diversifying, it is important to take into consideration the type of asset classes and their correlations to reduce the risks of value fluctuations in the one or a few of the invested assets.

Statistically, gold has seen to be behaving differently in comparison with stocks, bonds and currencies as explained in the earlier section of this article. Physical gold, compared to most investment portfolios most asset types such as bonds and stocks that are valued on paper are also much less exposed risks of severe losses in the event the finance companies undergoes liquidation.

Therefore many financial advisers recommend keeping an amount of 5% - 10% of gold help offset market fluctuations and reduce volatility

Greater liquidity compared to other investments

Unlike most investments like bonds, stocks and properties, gold is less regulated and less bound by ownership procedures and paperworks yet it is still recognized and accepted as a form of payment, worldwide. Because of that, it allows you to easily buy, sell and exchange it anytime, 24-hours a day, around the world.

In conclusion, Gold is close to being regarded as universal currency!






Hold on to Gold & Silver to Accumulate Wealth

As the high currency inflation rate is already as anticipated while US dollars depreciates, gold and silver being a wealth preserver, reaches its new height in the investment arena. As a savvy woman, why not ride on the wave of the glittering gold? Start saving your own gold, build your very own gold investment portfolio for a fruitful return while gold and silver's potential unleashes - your wealth, just like gold and silver tested over time.

[caption id="attachment_47" align="alignleft" width="300"]A savvy woman keeps gold to protect her wealth "Hold on to Gold & Silver to Accumulate Wealth" - Jessica Money, February 2012 (p1/3)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_48" align="alignleft" width="300"] "Hold on to Gold & Silver to Accumulate Wealth" - Jessica Money, February 2012 (p2/3)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_49" align="alignleft" width="300"] "Hold on to Gold & Silver to Accumulate Wealth" - Jessica Money, February 2012 (p3/3)[/caption]

"There Should be Gold in Your Capital"

與時拼經.老本要有金 減緩鈔票貶值衝擊

[caption id="attachment_35" align="alignright" width="290"]Gold in your savings "There Should be Gold in Your Capital" (pg 1/4) - China Press Biz Cover Story, December 03, 2011[/caption] Source: http://www.chinapress.com.my/node/273980

Investment experts say that there are 3 treasures needed in life - Capital, Companion and Compadre (buddies). Capital being the most uncertain "treasure" as supposedly one needs a substantial amount of savings for retirement (as the most assured method) tend to be unpredictable by you and i due to its volatility....






“老本不能全是貨幣,必須有黃金配置”。 不信黃金比貨幣更重要?看以下故事。 前蘇聯解體前,貨幣盧布兌美元是0.9:1,0.9盧布兌1美元,盧布比美元值錢。 當時,一名70歲老太太在銀行存款200萬盧布,老本應該不成問題,光靠銀行利息收入,生活可以很美好。 但蘇聯解體后,貨幣改成美元,老太太養老的是美元,不再是盧布。 就在蘇聯解體后3年,老太太到銀行提錢買生活用品,卻被銀行告知,所有200萬盧布存款只能夠買10公斤面包,因為盧布的貶值已達1:28000,2萬8000盧布兌1美元! 在天氣寒冷的當兒,老太太只有兩條路可走,在面包和煤氣之間二選一,最終不是餓死即凍死,老太太最后唯有尋死,自殺了。 [caption id="attachment_37" align="alignleft" width="211"]Save gold to accumulate wealth "There Should be Gold in Your Capital" (pg 2/4) - China Press Biz Cover Story, December 03, 2011[/caption] 或爆發貨幣危機 深圳黃金珠寶研究所所長曹陽上週在國內一場“黃金投資與財富配置”研討會上,與出席者分享上述故事,道出財富中如果缺乏黃金配置,是有多大風險,可嚴重至無法終老。 他說,很多人的財富都以貨幣為計算單位,例如存款、房產、股市、外匯、基金、股權等。 他提醒說,未來3至5年或會爆發貨幣危機,大家手上的鈔票很快變廢紙。 “經濟每出現低靡,國家政府只有3輛馬車可拉動經濟,投資、出口和消費,歐美市場顯然在這3方面都不足以提振經濟,唯有超速超量發行貨幣,接著經濟危機將深化至貨幣危機。 “試問,在政府剩下印鈔唯一可走的路,貨幣還可能靠嗎?” 曹陽指出,撇開黃金可避險、投資等“技術”功能,黃金能給人們帶來生活保障。 黃金最好藏在家中 黃金最安全的收藏處是家中? 曹陽說,大部分人都會在銀行開保險箱收藏黃金,但面對不小風險。 “萬一國家經濟陷困,政府要國人交出黃金救援,你能不交嗎?所有收藏資料和紀錄都在銀行中,只要銀行向政府呈上客戶名單,所有黃金便是政府了。” [caption id="attachment_38" align="alignleft" width="211"]Gold is THE currency, says expert "There Should be Gold in Your Capital" (pg 3/4) - China Press Biz Cover Story, December 03, 2011[/caption] 他笑言,如果是收在家中,可以偷偷不申報。 他建議,還是買個保險櫃放在家里收藏黃金比較安全。 貨幣發行100年 貶值1000倍 信用貨幣的本質是負債,根據研究分析,全球從來沒有一個貨幣在發行100年以后,不貶值1000倍! 曹陽說,黃金幾乎是一種無利息的資產,也不是一國發行貨幣的基礎,但它仍是國際經濟活動中被普遍接受的債務清還資產。 黃金也是一種價值儲藏方式,一個國家擁有相當數量的黃金儲備,可以避免在經濟上受制于債務國。 據世界黃金協會統計,目前全球地上黃金存量為16.3萬噸,其中首飾用金佔最大比重,達8.36萬噸、黃金個人投資量2.73噸、各國黃金官方儲備總量2.87噸、工業和其他用量1.97噸,其余3700噸不確定去向。 曹陽指出,已探明黃金儲備量為2萬6000噸,每年開採量約2600噸,表示10年以后全球不會再有“新黃金”。 物以稀為貴,屆時,黃金價格的走勢將無法想像。 投資前先思考5問題 黃金投資的門檻偏高,投資額很大,使投資者進、出場格外謹慎,深怕買高賣低,要成功先自我思考以下5個問題: [caption id="attachment_39" align="alignleft" width="211"] "There Should be Gold in Your Capital" (pg 4/4) - China Press Biz Cover Story, December 03, 2011[/caption] 1. 黃金是什麼? 2. 用什麼方式看黃金? 3. 怎樣看目前的黃金價格? 4. 配置什麼樣的黃金更有價值? 5. 什麼是黃金的文化價值? 曹陽說,只要投資者弄清楚這5點,投資黃金時即如魚得水。 黃金投資重文化 紀念收藏價值要兼具 黃金投資也講求“文化”;文化氣息與投資價值息息相關。 黃金投資文化指金條、金幣和金首飾被賦予紀念意義、文化內涵,不僅具備黃金的高純度,也因精致的工藝、文化意蘊,同時有收藏紀念價值和裝飾作用。 曹陽舉例,同年發行的一個普通金幣和紀念金幣,數十年后,該紀念金幣很可能因為“紀念和收藏價值兼具”,被高價拍賣,身價隨時比普通金幣高百倍。 黃金作用 個案 1 -伊朗人質事件 拒美元要50噸金 信用貨幣在很多時候受政治、經濟及購買力不穩等因素影響,無法被市場普遍接受。 例如1981年伊朗人質危機發生后,伊朗拒絕美國用美元贖回人質,美國人最后支付50噸黃金。 這50噸黃金對美國而言,根本是“小數額”,但伊朗則認為黃金是比美元更值錢的“寶物”。 當時美國助理財政部長約翰遜在聽證會上說:“美國財政部都把黃金儲備視為國家遺產,也是一種能預防不確定事件發生的資產。” 美國是全球擁有最多黃金儲備的國家,達8133.5噸,佔外匯儲備高達70.4%,具備爆發戰爭等不利情況時,轉換為資本的能力。 在世界黃金儲備排名前6的國家中,德國以3406.8噸,排在第二,之后依次是國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)3005.3噸、意大利2451.8噸、法國2435.4噸及中國1159.3噸。 個案 2 -作部分擔保 助多國度經濟難關 歷史上,黃金曾協助許多國家度過經濟難關。 1973年爆發石油危機,意大利1974年利用黃金作部分擔保,向德國中央銀行借貸20億美元(約63億8000萬令吉)償還外債。 1991年,印度也是依靠黃金儲備才度過難關,包括向瑞士出售20噸黃金,后來又運送46噸黃金到倫敦,作為向日本中央銀行貸款的抵押。 個案 3 -韓國人民 捐金助國家脫難 1997年亞洲金融風暴發生時,很多經濟學家原預計貨幣貶值有助增強出口競爭,結果相反,1998年除了中國和印度,亞洲其他國家都面對經濟萎縮。 經濟狀況惡化和外匯儲備急劇下降,導致許多國家無法償還巨額外債,不得不要求國民拿出家中的黃金代國家還債。 最后只有愛國情操最高的韓國人,籌集到足夠的數量、270噸民間黃金儲備,幫助國家度難關。 也因為這樣,韓國是當時最快和第一個重新站立的亞洲國家。 美國30年經濟大蕭條時,也是勒令國人交出黃金,如果隱瞞不申報,將罰款5萬美元(約15萬9600令吉)和坐牢,借用民間黃金擺脫蕭條。 黃金投資品種 ◆賬面投資:紙黃金、黃金股票(Gold Stock)、黃金理財產品、黃金股票指數基金(ETF)。 ◆實物黃金:普通類金條、紀念類金條、金幣、黃金首飾。 ◆黃金期貨 曹陽簡介 身份眾多,是珠寶公司高層也是分析師。 他任職深圳百泰珠寶首飾有限公司總裁,曾是摩根大通(JP Morgan)的投資分析師,現為深圳黃金珠寶研究所所長、北京黃金經濟發展研究中心特聘研究員、貴金屬及珠寶玉石標準聯盟秘書長,長期從事黃金珠寶行業發展戰略研究工作。 擁有獨到的先解和豐富的操作經驗,是黃金珠寶業界著名的行業發展問題專家,也是深圳珠寶行業發展的戰略顧問之一。 曹陽金句 *並非所有貨幣是黃金,但黃金一定是貨幣。 *亂勢黃金

Pelaburan Bijak Emas dan Perak | Invest Smart in Gold & Silver

A new e-commerce platform for those interested in trading of physical gold and silver bar is launched recently by Tomei Consolidated Berhad in its grand launching on November 25, 2011. Log on to GoldSilver2u.com for more info [caption id="attachment_41" align="alignleft" width="381"]Introducing the new e-commerce platform for gold and silver bars trading Pelaburan Bijak Emas dan Perak - InTrend Magazine, January 2012[/caption]

Tomei Launches its 1st Online Gold & Silver Investment Platform

[caption id="attachment_45" align="alignleft" width="300"]Online store for Gold and Silver bar opens Tomei Consolidated Berhad Introduces GoldSilver2u.com" - Money Compass, January, 2012[/caption] Tomei Consolidated Berhad recently launches its gold and silver e-commerce platform - GoldSilver2u.com, enabling those interested in investing in gold and silver access to global trading prices for the commodities. The group's Managing Director, Mr Ng Yih Pyng said that with the website's launch, potential investors not only have access to gold & silver e-commerce platform, but also related information and news. The launching event was graced by its guest of honor, Deputy Finance Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai and also industry leaders including Tan Sri William Cheng, President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, Tan Sri Ng Teck Fong, Chairman of Tomei Consolidated Berhad and Mr Cao Yang, Chairman of Batar Gold, China. Those interested can log on to www.goldsilver2u.com or call 1-800-88-4653 for more information. - Money Compass, January 12, 2012 [caption id="attachment_34" align="alignleft" width="754"]Tomei Launches its 1st Online Gold & Silver Investment Platform - Sin Chew Daily, November 30, 2011 Tomei Launches its 1st Online Gold & Silver Investment Platform - Sin Chew Daily, November 30, 2011[/caption]

New Act to Govern Gold Trading


Source:http://www.sinchew.com.my/node/228020 2011-11-25 17:57
[caption id="attachment_82" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="林祥才對多美集團推出的金條投資計劃豎起拇指讚好。右二起為吳德芳、鍾廷森、曹陽和吳逸平"]林祥才對多美集團推出的金條投資計劃豎起拇指讚好。右二起為吳德芳、鍾廷森、曹陽和吳逸平[/caption]
(雪蘭莪‧沙登25日訊)財政部副部長拿督林祥才今日說,政府已指示國家銀行探討制定一項新的法令,來管制黃金的交易,避免出現貨不對辦和欺詐問題。 他說,國行也受指示研究設立一所鑑定黃金純度的中心,以保障公眾的利益。 他今日為多美集團GoldSilver2U.com網絡金條與銀條投資平台主持推介禮後發表談話。出席者包括多美集團主席丹斯里吳德芳、董事經理吳逸平和大馬中華總商會總會長丹斯里鍾廷森和深圳黃金珠寶研究所所長曹陽。 管制法令20年前撤銷 林祥才說,管制黃金的法令早在20年前就已被撤銷;因此,黃金交易並未受到管制和限制,為了幫助公眾儲蓄和為政府賺取稅收,該部將給予充足的時間讓國行來研究擬定新的黃金管制法案。 他說,由於黃金的種類繁多,包括99、999和9999等代表的黃金的純度,價格也各異;因此,有必要設立鑑定中心來進行純度的鑑定,克服黃金投資的風險問題。 他說,當局也必須制定法令來將那些涉及欺詐的商家和非法收取抵押的商家,提控上庭。 “除了國人之外,外國人也在我國購買黃金,為免事後被投訴純度問題,法令的制定是必須的。” 林祥才說,美國有8千吨的黃金儲備、中國有1千吨,但大馬只有36.5吨的黃金儲備,在美元和歐元都下滑之際,黃金的投資最穩定。 鍾廷森:現在是投資白銀良機 [caption id="attachment_33" align="alignright" width="282" caption="New Act to Govern Gold Trading - Sin Chew Daily, November 26, 2011"]New Act to Govern Gold Trading - Sin Chew Daily, November 26, 2011[/caption] 大馬中華總商會總會長丹斯里鍾廷森致詞時說,黃金一直都是投資工具,而且價值高,是獨立的資源,不受限於任何國家和貿易市場;它與公司或政府也沒有牽連,因此,黃金投資可以協助投資者避開經濟環境可能發生的問題。 他說,金融市場的不斷發展和黃金價格的不斷高漲,黃金的投資也更加普遍。 他說,對於大多數投資者而言,白銀投資還是相對陌生,雖然黃金和白銀同屬金屬,但黃金投資卻佔據了絕對的主流地位。 他說,隨著黃金投資熱潮的升溫,未來白銀的投資空間,可能大過黃金,因此,現在是投資白銀的良機。 吳逸平:馬不盛行網上投資黃金 吳逸平致詞時說,網上黃金白銀投資在大馬還不盛行,主要是大眾對黃金投資的概念和運作認識不普及。 因此,他相信網站的設立,除了作為交易的平台外,也為有興趣拓展投資組合的投資者提供所需的知識和訊息。 曹陽:黃金僅佔國家儲備1.4% 曹陽則說,大馬的黃金儲備只佔國家儲備的1.4%,這是非常危險的;如果沒有黃金,很難想像未來的發展。 他說,貨幣貶值會使到黃金熱起來,人類未來的安全更是黃金。 他舉例,韓國是第一個從1997年金融危機中復甦的國家,全靠的就是黃金。 政府撥328億補貼 首10個月3.2%低通膨 林祥才說,我國今年首10個月的通膨率是3.2%,比起很多國家如中國的5.7%、美國的4%、新加坡的5.5%、印度的9%和越南及菲律賓的10%都來得低。 他說,這主要是因為政府撥出328億令吉的補貼,才讓人民不致於承受通膨的沉重壓力。 不過,他遺憾本地的勞工生產力不強,每年每人只有1萬5千美元,與美國的10萬3千相比,相差了6倍,因此,在提高人民薪水之際,更應該提高勞工生產力。 他也說,大馬的失業率只有3.1%,相對比美國的9.3%和歐洲的9.8%低。 “我希望人民的收入能夠提高,從去年的9千美元增至2020年的1萬5千美元。” (星洲日報)

Discussion On Set Identification Purity of Gold

[caption id="attachment_32" align="alignleft" width="250" caption="Discussion On Set Identification Purity of Gold - Guang Ming Daily, November 26, 2011"]Discussion On Set Identification Purity of Gold - Guang Ming Daily, November 26, 2011[/caption]

Regulate Gold Investment, Protect Country Revenue and Tourists' Interest, Says Deputy Finance Minister

林祥才:保障国人及游客权益 立法管制黄金投资

Source: http://www.nanyang.com.my/node/401300?tid=643
2011-11-25 17:44
[caption id="attachment_76" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="林祥才(左)在吴德芳的陪同下,参观多美集团Goldsilver2u.com网站所出售的黄金"]林祥才(左)在吴德芳的陪同下,参观多美集团Goldsilver2u.com网站所出售的黄金[/caption] 我国正掀起购买黄金保值热潮,因此政府希望透过制定有关的法案,除解决国人及外国游客在购买黄金后出现货不对办问题,也让政府从中抽税,增加国家收入。 设立黄金鉴定所 财政部副部长拿督林祥才指出,该部已指示国行针对上述事宜展开研讨工作,以保障我国公民及外国游客的权益。 他说,其实,很久以前,我国拥有类似的监管黄金买卖活动法令,惟在大约20年已被前国行宣布撤销。 “我还记得,那时候是丹斯里林西彦博士(时任国行副总裁)时代宣布取消的,所以现在是没有任何特定法案管制大马黄金投资活动。” 他今日为多美集团的Goldsilver2u.com网站主持推介仪式发表谈话。 游客也爱买黄金 林祥才指出,市面上有好几家公司在经营黄金买卖生意,包括网上生意,但鉴定黄金等级是一门专业学问,政府认为有必要成立一家公司或黄金鉴定所,负责鉴定黄金品质。 他解释,只是黄金纯度就分为很多种类,包括99、999及9999,而不同纯度的黄金,价钱也不一样。 “普通老百姓要如何才能确认这么多种的9(纯度)?” 游客投诉非货真价实 林祥才说,不只是大马人购买黄金作为投资,外国游客也喜欢来马购买黄金,但很多时候他们投诉买到的黄金,不是货真价实。 “这些都是政府考虑事项,毕竟大家都认为投资黄金比投资货币更加稳定。政府也希望从中抽取税收,增加国家收入。” 他说,身为财政部一员,希望可增加国家收入,以让政府推行其他利民政策,如建校及捷运计划等。 询及国行的研究何时出炉,林祥才表示不知道,此事已交给国行负责,就给他们一些时间研究。 相关新闻: 吴逸平:中印经济起飞 黄金需求量料惊人 锺廷森:不受国家市场限制 黄金白银投资良机