Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Consultation needed on new gold and silver trading law

PETALING JAYA: A proposed law to regulate trading in gold and silver has yet to be formally discussed with industry participants, according to Tomei Consolidated Bhd group managing director Ng Yih Pyng. “There hasn't been any concrete development since the policy was announced. We hope they (Bank Negara) will consult the industry if they are to come out with anything. “As of now, we haven't heard from them. I suppose they are doing the groundwork and will consult us when they feel it is necessary to implement certain measures,” he told StarBiz on the sidelines of the company's GoldSilver2U.com seminar recently. Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai had said last November the central bank was asked to conduct a study on the possibility of enacting fresh regulation around the domestic gold and silver markets, citing the Government's concern for the risk faced by the public when investing in the precious metals. On another note, Ng said that Tomei, one of the country's three listed gold and jewellery retailers alongside DeGem Bhd and Poh Kong Holdings Bhd, was always on the lookout for potential business opportunities, which may include mergers and acquisitions. While saying there were no concrete plans on the table, he added that opportunities in the market were aplenty. “But a lot depends on the strategy, outlook and what kind of value you can create. Any acquisition (we make) will have to suit our appetite. If we cannot digest it, we won't do it.” He also noted that the next two years could be challenging due to overall market conditions. “Therefore, we will take a slightly more cautious approach to the business.” On his outlook for bullion prices, Ng stressed that gold was a long-term investment. “You don't want to (focus on) the price tomorrow, or in two or three weeks. In the medium term, gold has reason to strengthen further. “I wouldn't suggest that anyone take a short term position.” Ng added that the growing demand for gold investments over the past few years had led to a heavier weighting of the commodity in its inventory, but he maintained that Tomei only bought what it needed. “We are not a trader. We will stock up when we need to, for example during festive seasons. “But when we need less stock during low seasons, we will reduce (our holdings). We don't buy to anticipate price movements.” As at its first quarter ended March 31, Tomei's inventories stood at RM332.24mil, down slightly from RM326.1mil in the three months to Dec 31, 2011, but notably higher than the RM270.11mil recorded in the corresponding quarter last year. Although jewellery makes up the bulk of its stock, its holdings of gold has risen steadily as a percentage of total inventories, from 41%, or RM77.01mil, in 2007 to 49%, or RM160.64mil, in 2011, according to the company's annual reports. Tomei's net profit in the first quarter was 8% lower to RM7.57mil against RM8.35mil a year earlier, while revenue rose 35% to RM155.69mil from RM115.24mil. It attributed the increase in revenue to better consumer spending, but said the decline in profit was caused by fluctuations in the price of gold. 

July 9, 2012 - The Star Newspaper
By JOHN LOH johnloh@thestar.com.my

Tomei & Hong Leong Bank Organised Talk on Gold Investment

Malaysia’s leading Gold and Silver bars online trading platform, GoldSilver2u.com held its first investors-wealth guru-merchant networking dinner in collaboration with Hong Leong Bank and Tomei recently.

Malaysia’s leading Gold and Silver bars online trading platform, GoldSilver2u.com recently held in its first investors-wealth guru-merchant networking dinner in collaboration with Hong Leong Bank Berhad and Tomei! GoldSilver2u.com since its launch in November 2011 has since been championing the Gold and Silver Bar E-Commerce trading model in Malaysia. Having built a firm loyal customer base in less than a year, the GoldSilver2u.com Investors’ Appreciation Night comes in timely for its privileged investors to have an up-close and personal get-together platform with GoldSilver2u.com.

Is it time to buy gold?

time to buy gold Now is the time to invest in gold as its price is consolidating and likely to climb over the next few years, according to expert of the commodity, Mr Dar Wong

Precious metal said to be consolidating and likely to rise in next few years
PETALING JAYA: Now is the time to invest in gold as its price is consolidating and likely to climb over the next few years, according to one expert of the commodity. “Gold reached US$1,900 (RM6,042) last year but has fallen to US$1,600 now. This is a purely periodic correction,” said Dar Wong, a trader and veteran financial consultant who was the guest speaker at Tomei Consolidated Bhd's GoldSilver2U.com seminar. He said prices would be “firm” but may trade in a sideways pattern till the end of the year. Gold, considered a safe haven in times of economic upheaval, has slipped some 15% since peaking at US$1,900.20 last September at the height of the eurozone crisis, but is up 2.7% for the year at yesterday's spot prices.
“In my view, whenever the market comes off a high and starts to go sideways, this period of consolidation is the best time for investors to plan their portfolio. “When the market starts to run up again maybe next year, you will have to pay more and jostle with everyone else,” said Wong, who started his career trading futures in the 1980s. Wong honed his trading expertise working for several banking groups before striking out on his own as an individual trader in 1996. “People are saying it can reach US$3,000 per ounce. Based on my analysis, the price of US$2,300 is achievable in the next few years. But in order to get it that high, you need fundamental strength,” he explained. He opined that this would come from two sources: inflation and US monetary policy. “Gold is traded in US dollars. Should the Federal Reserve decide on more fiscal stimulus, the weaker US dollar will push gold to new heights. “From my studies, when the United States elects a new president after the third quarter, whoever gets the job will most likely put in a quantitative easing policy to consolidate his position. That will result in higher gold prices.” Central banks, he added, had little choice in the current global scenario other than to loosen the reigns on fiscal policy. “The world economy is stuck between inflation and recession. On one hand, food and commodity prices are going up, which means higher costs. “On the other, manufacturing and growth is slowing while unemployment is rising. Let's assume banks have to choose just one solution they will choose to cut rates.” Although Bank Negara left its overnight policy rate unchanged at 3% yesterday, the European Central Bank and China's central bank have cut interest rates in a bid to stimulate economic growth, while the Bank of England announced a further £50bil of quantitative easing. On his personal experience with the precious metal, Wong revealed that he had bought 25 mint-proof gold coins after the Sept 11, 2001 attacks, when gold plunged to US$320 per ounce. “People said I was stupid. But the principle is how much money you can invest versus how long you can hold.” Wong said he has so far sold 20 of those coins for a handsome profit. “I couldn't sell them at the peak last year. I'll be honest, no one can time the market perfectly. I loaded them off at average prices of between US$1,200 and US$1,500,” he said, adding that he was now waiting for buying opportunities. “It is not about how much you have now. It is about how much you want to build now for the future. I built my investment 10 years ago and have realised a profit.”
July 6, 2012, The Star Newspaper
By JOHN LOH johnloh@thestar.com.my

多美与丰隆联办晚宴, 黄达分享投资之道

[caption id="attachment_239" align="alignleft" width="630"] 多美与丰隆联办晚宴, 黄达分享黄金投资之道 - 12-7-2012, 星洲日报[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_232" align="alignleft" width="630"] 多美与丰隆办投资者感恩宴 - 10-7-2012, 南洋商报[/caption]

多美丰隆联办晚宴, 邀黄达分享投资

[caption id="attachment_228" align="alignleft" width="630"] 多美丰隆联办晚宴, 邀黄达分享投资 - 9-7-2012, 光明日报[/caption]

經濟衰退 買金最好時機

 (吉隆坡6日訊)專家相信,今年會是購買黃金的最好時機,因今年全球經濟衰退影響了歐洲及美國的經濟,黃金價格也會隨著全球經濟衰時期而下降,這就是買入黃金的最好機會。 亞洲區域最受歡迎培訓導師之一黃達,上週四(5日)晚于多美GoldSilver2U.com網絡金條與銀條投資平台講座會上說:“黃金是一種較保險及長期的投資,投資者不需擔心破產或面臨高風險投資。” 黃達于上週四(5日)晚,在多美GoldSilver2U.com網絡金條與銀條投資平台講座會上,為豐隆銀行的部分顧客群講解黃金為投資的重要性時發表談話。列席者包括多美董事經理吳逸平。 黃達亦是安思列金融資詢公司行政總裁。 他認為,導致黃金價格飆升的原因不外乎6個原因,包括天災人造禍、政治障礙、經濟危機、戰爭時期(尤其是在產油地區)、油價上漲及通貨膨脹的時候。 “不管任何時候,都適合購買黃金,只要有資金,就可以從最小的10克開始購入,再慢慢購入更多的克量。” 另外,他建議黃金投資者在全球經濟衰時,可大量購買黃金,並建議在持金3年時考慮是否脫售再投資。 黃達相信,距離11月6日美國總統選舉,只有4個多月的時間,黃金價格隨時會有影響。 “全球各國政府正大量增加各國的黃金儲蓄量,相信這會是購入的最好時機。” 黃金交易平台價格更透明化 多美(TOMEI,7230,主要板消費)成立子公司GoldSilver2U.com網站,讓消費者可在該平台上進行黃金交易之余,更提供很多關于金價訊息給公眾。 吳逸說,在網站上金條與銀條的價格是透明化的,顧客可在網上看到價格后第一時間以該價格買入,增加對該網絡交易平台的信心。 “有些顧客今日在網站上看到價格后,明日到店舖購買時,金價已經上漲,後悔沒在第一時間買入。” 雖然馬來西亞消費者相比與國外,網站銷售額還是非常低,但他相信這是一個趨勢,只要網站反應是良好的,將持續運作。 目前,該公司還未對該網站設下任何目標,但明年會推出更多促銷及推廣活動。
[caption id="attachment_224" align="alignleft" width="630"] 亞洲區域最受歡迎培訓導師之一黃達,上週四(5日)晚于多美GoldSilver2U.com網絡金條與銀條投資平台講座會上說:“黃金是一種較保險及長期的投資,投資者不需擔心破產或面臨高風險投資。”[/caption]