Thursday, 25 April 2013

Gold Silver Spot Prices Explained

Good Delivery Gold Bar as seen in Central Banks around the world
Good Delivery Gold Bar as seen in Central Banks around the world
There are many factors that go into the spot prices of gold and silver. Though they are different metals, spot prices for gold and silver tend to parallel each other. It is very unlikely for the price of gold to go in one direction and for silver to go in another. When it comes down to it, spot prices tend to flow in the same direction across the entire precious metals market, which also includes platinum and palladium.

Now You Can Buy a Real Gold Bar the Size of a Credit Card - from

Valcambi Gold Combibar
In case of an emergency …The credit card sized CombiBars™ can be easily broken into 1 gram pieces of Gold Bar suitable to be used as a “crisis payment”
Every now and then, banks around the world launch yet another latest, cool, and ridiculous credit card design, size, technology, art, and so on.
Today, one of the crazier things emerges in the market, that is, a gold credit card, literally made of 50gm of 999.9 pure gold.
This isn’t exactly a credit card per se, but it’s the size of a credit card that one can easily slip in his/her wallet to be pulled out to purchase goods, just like a normal credit card. This credit card is called the Valcambi Gold CombiBar.