Tuesday, 14 August 2012

多美丰隆联办晚宴, 邀黄达分享投资

[caption id="attachment_228" align="alignleft" width="630"] 多美丰隆联办晚宴, 邀黄达分享投资 - 9-7-2012, 光明日报[/caption]

經濟衰退 買金最好時機

 (吉隆坡6日訊)專家相信,今年會是購買黃金的最好時機,因今年全球經濟衰退影響了歐洲及美國的經濟,黃金價格也會隨著全球經濟衰時期而下降,這就是買入黃金的最好機會。 亞洲區域最受歡迎培訓導師之一黃達,上週四(5日)晚于多美GoldSilver2U.com網絡金條與銀條投資平台講座會上說:“黃金是一種較保險及長期的投資,投資者不需擔心破產或面臨高風險投資。” 黃達于上週四(5日)晚,在多美GoldSilver2U.com網絡金條與銀條投資平台講座會上,為豐隆銀行的部分顧客群講解黃金為投資的重要性時發表談話。列席者包括多美董事經理吳逸平。 黃達亦是安思列金融資詢公司行政總裁。 他認為,導致黃金價格飆升的原因不外乎6個原因,包括天災人造禍、政治障礙、經濟危機、戰爭時期(尤其是在產油地區)、油價上漲及通貨膨脹的時候。 “不管任何時候,都適合購買黃金,只要有資金,就可以從最小的10克開始購入,再慢慢購入更多的克量。” 另外,他建議黃金投資者在全球經濟衰時,可大量購買黃金,並建議在持金3年時考慮是否脫售再投資。 黃達相信,距離11月6日美國總統選舉,只有4個多月的時間,黃金價格隨時會有影響。 “全球各國政府正大量增加各國的黃金儲蓄量,相信這會是購入的最好時機。” 黃金交易平台價格更透明化 多美(TOMEI,7230,主要板消費)成立子公司GoldSilver2U.com網站,讓消費者可在該平台上進行黃金交易之余,更提供很多關于金價訊息給公眾。 吳逸說,在網站上金條與銀條的價格是透明化的,顧客可在網上看到價格后第一時間以該價格買入,增加對該網絡交易平台的信心。 “有些顧客今日在網站上看到價格后,明日到店舖購買時,金價已經上漲,後悔沒在第一時間買入。” 雖然馬來西亞消費者相比與國外,網站銷售額還是非常低,但他相信這是一個趨勢,只要網站反應是良好的,將持續運作。 目前,該公司還未對該網站設下任何目標,但明年會推出更多促銷及推廣活動。
[caption id="attachment_224" align="alignleft" width="630"] 亞洲區域最受歡迎培訓導師之一黃達,上週四(5日)晚于多美GoldSilver2U.com網絡金條與銀條投資平台講座會上說:“黃金是一種較保險及長期的投資,投資者不需擔心破產或面臨高風險投資。”[/caption]

GoldSilver2u.com To Hold Its Very First Investors' Appreciation Night!

Come this July 2012, join Malaysia's leading Gold and Silver bars online trading platform, GoldSilver2u.com in its first investors-wealth guru-merchant networking dinner! Since its launch in November 2011, GoldSilver2u.com has since been championing the Gold and Silver Bar E-Commerce trading model in Malaysia. Having built a firm loyal customer base in less than a year, the GoldSilver2u.com Investors' Appreciation Night comes in timely for its privileged investors to have an up-close and personal get-together platform with GoldSilver2u.com. The privilege sharing and networking session will be held in the 5 Star acclaimed One World Hotel in Petaling Jaya over a lavish dinner featuring one of Asia's renowned wealth coach, Mr Dar Wong. Not only that, door gifts awaits guests with a chance to take home a 10 gram Tomei Signature Twin Tower 999.9 gold bar worth over RM 1,800 for free! Due to the exclusivity of the event, seats are extremely limited to invited attendees only. Therefore, GoldSilver2u.com is giving away 3 free invitation to it's Facebook Fanpage Fans. To win one, all you need to do is to Like us on Facebook at the GoldSilver2u.com Facebook Fanpage by June 15th and 3 lucky fans will be rewarded with the exclusive GoldSilver2u.com Investors' Appreciation Night invitation for free! If you are already a fan, you are also entitled to be drawn! Stay in touch with us in Facebook with our hot news and updates on GoldSilver2u.com products services events and what not! Winners will be notified over email on June 25th! Event Info
Theme : Gold: An Investment Asset Class Of Its Own Date : 5 July 2012 (Thursday) Time : 6.00-10.00 pm Venue : One World Hotel Entrance fee : By Invitation only Dress Code : Business Attire
[caption id="attachment_218" align="alignnone" width="630"] Hong Leong Bank and Tomei presents Gold Silver Investment event - The GoldSilver2u.com Investors' Appreciation Night[/caption] . [caption id="attachment_219" align="alignleft" width="630"] The GoldSilver2u.com Investors' Appreciation Night to be held on July 5th![/caption] . [caption id="attachment_220" align="alignnone" width="630"] GoldSilver2u.com Investors’ Appreciation Night Invites 投资欢聚晚宴 - contents[/caption] GoldSilver2u.com, since its launch in November 2011 has established itself as a household brand name as the specialist in physical Gold and Silver bars investments. The e-commerce platform enables Malaysian consumers looking for investment opportunities access to gold and silver global trading prices, physical gold and silver bars online retail store to make purchases, to have access to monitor their gold and silver investment portfolio and also market intelligence. GoldSilver2u.com assures its customers of its end to end solution for investment grade pure Gold and Silver Bar with its reputable establishment and integrity being a proud subsidiary company of TOMEI Consolidated Berhad, MyTomei Sdn Bhd.

黃金投資渠道多 市民該如何選擇 Paper Gold or Physical Gold?

"If You Don’t Hold It, You Don’t Own It."

[caption id="attachment_178" align="aligncenter" width="630"]http://www.trustablegold.com/infographics/The_Gold_Tree.pdf Check out this beautiful infographic that best explains where gold comes from and to where it goes... up to the different forms of gold investment that you may have considered of[/caption]

For those wanting to invest in Gold, there are many options widely available to us in Malaysia. First of all, there are two distinguishable type of investment, one being physical gold such as ingots, gold bar/bullions, nuggets, coins and jewelries while the other being the paper gold such as the Gold account passbook, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Mining Stocks, Futures and unit trusts.

[caption id="attachment_160" align="alignleft" width="431"]黃金投資渠道多 市民該如何選擇 黃金投資渠道多 市民該如何選擇 There are many ways to invest in Gold. There are from paper gold - funds and stocks and physical gold while physical gold is the most practical way for most consumers. Among jewelries, coins, and gold bar, it would be more practical to invest in gold bar due to the lower premium compared to other end products.[/caption]

Physical gold is the real thing that you can hold in your own hands, take possession of (often anonymously) and store them in your own place or a 3rd party safe deposit service which ever you are comfortable with. For those concerned about another financial meltdown, physical gold allows them to invest outside of the financial system. It is not tied to any currency and it is not correlated to other investment asset which is exactly why most people invest in the physical form.

On the other hand, the paper gold allows you to “own” gold too, but you do not keep them with you. Instead, you get paper certificates that guarantee a conversion of their value into actual gold such as those mentioned above. In other words your investments get exposure to the gold price by buying various types of security. Given the time when the economy is good and the company managing your investment performs, the paper gold generally cost less to buy into than physical gold and so it tend to yield higher profits.

There are many resources on the internet that you can read about if you need to investigate more in order to make a decision that is best suited for your investment strategies and requirements. In order to understand better and make your [caption id="attachment_164" align="alignleft" width="300"] Precious Metal Investment Pyramid[/caption] own conclusion on physical vs paper gold, let’s take a look at the some of the selected articles taken from other sources:-
* Paper Gold vs Physical Gold by Jonathan Quek

* The Differences Between Physical Gold & Gold ETFs by Blanchard

* The 'secret' gold market that could enhance your profits in Moneyweek
Among them, the Precious Metals Investments Pyramid shows that physical gold has an increasingly high liquidity as to money while decreasing in risks compared to paper based gold investments. All in all, gold and silver should be taken as a long term strategy while taking into consideration the many risks that may be associated with them. At the end of the day, it's hard to deny that physical gold and silver remain as one of the best way to invest.




















重振金市 馬須引進熟練外勞








Why invest in gold?

[caption id="attachment_143" align="alignleft" width="630"] Jittery about the currency inflation, people are turning to Gold for a safe haven[/caption]

Time has proven that Gold as an asset class has play important role in our world economy dated back from the early days of human civilization.

Gold began as items of adornment to symbol of wealth to trade currencies and asset until today. Its core functions has not changed through the centuries although today in our modern economic environment, gold has evolved into more sophisticated financial products such as currency backings, investment funds and into materials for industrial uses. Its rarity, usefulness and desirability make it a substance of long term value.

Not only that, because it has a high value, durable, portable and easily divisible, it is not a wonder that Gold is a viable investment.

Compared to other asset classes, the finite resource has also been steadily appreciating in value, if not, retaining its value steadily and again proven itself as a suitor for long term investments/ saving.

Needless to say, there are many write ups and expert advises from simple laymen language to sophisticated market trend analysis that easily point out the many benefits of investing in gold.

In this article, we sum up a short and concise version for your reading pleasure as below: -

Hedge against inflation

During the launching of GoldSilver2u.com gold and silver bar online investment platform in November 2011, financial expert, Mr Cao Yang from Batar Gold China, shared that the world economic volatility is something that we all cannot foreseen, at times of hyper-inflation, even our cash will become nothing more than a piece of paper.

Blanchard Economic Research Unit in its article “Why own gold?” the most consistent factor determining the price of gold has been inflation - as inflation goes up, the price of gold goes up along with it.

It is also no wonder why not only investors are keeping gold, even central banks around the world are stocking gold to counter the effects of inflation and currency fluctuations.

Preserve your Purchasing Power

Gold always retain its intrinsic value. Gold’s value, in terms of the real goods and services that it can buy, has remained remarkably stable for centuries. In contrast, the purchasing power of many currencies has declined, due for the most part to the rising price of goods and services.

When economy suffers a crisis or when people lose confidence in their government, Gold becomes a safe haven for investment that protects against stock market's financial meltdown, inflation, currency fluctuations.

This is because gold prices tend to appreciate at time of trouble, as shown below :-

[caption id="attachment_144" align="alignnone" width="630"]Gold as safe haven How Gold Perform during a financial crash (Source : http://seekingalpha.com/article/295567-how-gold-performs-during-a-financial-crash)[/caption]

As a portfolio diversifier

Don't put all your eggs into one basket. When investing, it is a good practice to diversify your investments When diversifying, it is important to take into consideration the type of asset classes and their correlations to reduce the risks of value fluctuations in the one or a few of the invested assets.

Statistically, gold has seen to be behaving differently in comparison with stocks, bonds and currencies as explained in the earlier section of this article. Physical gold, compared to most investment portfolios most asset types such as bonds and stocks that are valued on paper are also much less exposed risks of severe losses in the event the finance companies undergoes liquidation.

Therefore many financial advisers recommend keeping an amount of 5% - 10% of gold help offset market fluctuations and reduce volatility

Greater liquidity compared to other investments

Unlike most investments like bonds, stocks and properties, gold is less regulated and less bound by ownership procedures and paperworks yet it is still recognized and accepted as a form of payment, worldwide. Because of that, it allows you to easily buy, sell and exchange it anytime, 24-hours a day, around the world.

In conclusion, Gold is close to being regarded as universal currency!






Hold on to Gold & Silver to Accumulate Wealth

As the high currency inflation rate is already as anticipated while US dollars depreciates, gold and silver being a wealth preserver, reaches its new height in the investment arena. As a savvy woman, why not ride on the wave of the glittering gold? Start saving your own gold, build your very own gold investment portfolio for a fruitful return while gold and silver's potential unleashes - your wealth, just like gold and silver tested over time.

[caption id="attachment_47" align="alignleft" width="300"]A savvy woman keeps gold to protect her wealth "Hold on to Gold & Silver to Accumulate Wealth" - Jessica Money, February 2012 (p1/3)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_48" align="alignleft" width="300"] "Hold on to Gold & Silver to Accumulate Wealth" - Jessica Money, February 2012 (p2/3)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_49" align="alignleft" width="300"] "Hold on to Gold & Silver to Accumulate Wealth" - Jessica Money, February 2012 (p3/3)[/caption]